Do Acne Scars Go Away? The Journey to Clearer Skin

Posted by Vivier on

Have you ever dealt with acne scars? It's a common skin concern that can affect your confidence. No matter how much care you give your skin, dark and textured scars are often the most difficult to treat. Many people have looked in the mirror wondering what they can do to erase the evidence of acne. Well, good news! With the right skin care routine and topical products, the appearance of acne scars can be visibly reduced.

Understanding Acne Scars

It's important to understand the different types of acne scars before we dive into how to address them with topical products. There are three main types - post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, atrophic and hypertrophic scars.


Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) is one of the most common types of acne scarring. When the skin becomes inflamed due to acne, it produces more melanin, resulting in dark spots or patches on the skin even after the acne has healed. These dark spots can take months to fade on their own, but there are treatments available to help speed up the process.

Atrophic scars are the next most common, and they leave little pits or depressions in the skin. Just like a pothole in a road’s surface, atrophic scars are indented scars on the skin’s surface.

On the other hand, hypertrophic scars are raised scars that happen when the body produces too much collagen during the healing process. These are much less common in the context of acne scars.

How to Treat Acne Scars: Topical Ingredients for Acne Scars

The most common question people have regarding acne scars is how to make them fade away. Although there are many different acne scar treatments available, the simplest one to implement at home is to ad specific topical products to your daily skin care routine. If you choose the right ingredients, these products can be a game-changer for reducing the appearance of acne scars. Choosing active ingredients that work to lighten dark spots, stimulate collagen production, and smooth out our skin will have the biggest impact. Let’s look at some of these ingredients:

Retinoids: Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that work by increasing cell turnover and stimulating collagen production. They speed up the skin’s regeneration process to bring new, clear skin to the surface faster. This can improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of acne scars over time. This means they can help your skin look brighter, smoother, and more youthful. However they can also make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so it’s essential to use sunscreen daily when using retinoids in your skin care routine. It's best to start with a low concentration and work your way up gradually to reduce the risk of irritation. With consistent use, retinoids can make a difference in the appearance of your skin.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an amazing multi-purpose ingredient that can brighten up your complexion and help reduce the appearance of dark spots and acne scars. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that protects your skin from environmental stressors that can cause damage and premature aging.


When it comes to using Vitamin C in your skin care routine, there are different types of products you can use, but the most common are serums that have a high concentration of L-Ascorbic acid (pure vitamin C) for maximum effectiveness.

If you haven’t yet incorporated a vitamin C serum into your routine, make sure to do your research and choose a high-quality product that works for your skin type. You can check out our serum quiz to answer a few quick questions and get a personalized recommendation for the best vitamin C serum for your skin.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): AHAs are a type of chemical exfoliant that can help improve the texture and appearance of your skin. They work by gently removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, which can help to reveal smoother, brighter skin underneath. AHAs can be found in a lot of skin care products, like creams, serums, and masks. With regular use, AHAs can help improve the overall health and radiance of your skin.

Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is a type of beta-hydroxy acid that is a must-have for people with acne-prone skin. It works by exfoliating the skin and getting rid of dead skin cells and excess oil that can clog pores and cause breakouts. Salicylic acid also has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help reduce the redness and swelling associated with acne.


In addition to using ingredients to help lighten acne scars, one of the key steps in treating acne-prone skin is keeping your skin clear and healthy and ensuring new acne doesn’t appear. If you have acne-prone skin, check out the range of acne treatment products to find the ones best suited to you.


Q: How long does it take for topical products to work on acne scars?


A: The length of time it takes for topical products to work on acne scars varies depending on the severity of the scarring and the ingredients being used. In general, it can take up to 12 weeks to see noticeable results.

Q: Can topical products completely remove acne scars?

A: While topical products can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars, they may not completely remove them. In some cases, more invasive treatments such as laser resurfacing or microneedling may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

So, do acne scars ever go away? While visible acne scars are a challenging concern, the right treatment options can significantly reduce their appearance. Topical products can be an effective option for addressing mild atrophic acne scars and improving skin texture as well as helping with PIH. While these products may not completely remove acne scars, they can help to boost your confidence and give you smoother, more radiant-looking skin.

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